Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

Imagine Dragons: interesting facts, best songs, history, listen

Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons is a popular indie rock band from America, which has become a real sensation and has not ceased to amaze its listeners around the world for many years. Their music unites people with completely different tastes. All this is due to the unreal charge of positive energy, drive, feeling of fullness of life in their texts and presentation.

La Campanella. Musical performances. Old songs.

What is old music like? What first comes to mind at the mention of it? Perhaps, the smooth and graceful movements of the dancers in elegant camisoles and powdered wigs? And perhaps the Gregorian chant, imbued with the spirit of severe asceticism? Or unpretentious old songs to the accompaniment of viola da gamba and lute?

Harpsichord: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Harpsichord Surely at concerts you noticed a musical instrument similar to a piano, but much smaller in size, with several keyboards and a completely different, ringing metallic sound? The name of this instrument is harpsichord. In each country it is called differently: in France and Russia it is the harpsichord, in Italy - the balm (and sometimes the key), in England - the harpsichord.

What were great composers interested in?

What did great composers like? What do you like to do in your free time? Scrapbooking, quilling, hunting, knitting? This list is almost endless. Almost all of us have some kind of hobby, a favorite activity for the soul, which helps to distract from problems and urgent matters, completely immersed in it.