Types of Russian folk dancing

The most ancient and rich art form is dance. Russian folk dance is closely connected with the history of the Russian people, with their traditions, beliefs and customs. Russian folk dance reveals the spiritual life of our people and their life. Through dance, people convey their feelings, thoughts and mood.

Classification of Russian folk dances occurs according to their stable features and choreographic structure. From the combination of these features, it can be assumed what kind of dance it belongs to. All kinds of Russian folk dances fall into two categories: round dance and dance, and they, in turn, distinguish several other types in themselves.

Types of Russian folk dances: round dance

One of the most basic and ancient types of Russian folk dance. The circular composition of the dance is like the sun, whose god, in ancient times, was worshiped by the Slavs.

Dance, song and game are inextricably linked in the dance. He collects and brings together a large number of participants. The round dance is a Russian household dance, it has its own forms and rules of performance. Usually its members hold hands, either by a scarf, belt or wreath and at the same time jointly perform a round dance song.

The round dance is divided into two types - ornamental and game.

Ornamental round dances.

A distinctive feature of the ornamental round dance is the movement of its participants to songs in which there is no clearly expressed plot, and which are merely musical accompaniment. The participants of such a round dance can move not only in a circle, but also a snake, figure eight, column, use various transitions and rebuilds, while building beautiful and clear drawings, or as they are also called - figures of round dance.

The selected song for the ornamental dance, often reflects the images of Russian nature, the collective work of the people and their way of life.

Game dances.

If the song presents the characters, the specific action and game plot, then its content is played by the dancers using gestures, facial expressions and dancing, embodying various images and characters, songs. Such a round dance is called a game.

In game round dances often used household items, such as a scarf, a wreath, a ribbon, a stool and many others. Drawings of game round dance is easier than ornamental. Most often round dances move in a circle, lines or pairs.

Types of Russian folk dance: dance

Now the most common type of Russian folk dance is dance. The Russian dances include round dance, game dances, improvised dances and dances performed with a certain sequence of figures.

Every movement in the dance is not without sense. Men's dances are distinguished by their breadth, strength and scope, as well as attention to the partner. Women's dances are characterized by smoothness, sincerity and grace, as well as emotions and enthusiasm.

Dances are performed not only for songs, but also for instrumental accompaniment.

Single dance.

Performed by both women and men, while showing all his skill and ingenuity. The performer, through the dance, transmits all his feelings and emotions, embodies the images.

Pair dance.

Most often a young girl and a boy perform a pair dance. Its content is like a dialogue of lovers. Sometimes it is wedding dances, and sometimes it is a lyrical statement that reflects love, jealousy and slight offense. In this dance, a lot of feelings and a storm of emotions.


This is a competition between dancers in agility, strength and ingenuity. Each dancer shows his personality. Previously, only boys participated in the overpowered moment, and now girls also take part. Most often, the overplay is performed to well-known melodies and songs. Now competition between whole groups of dancers has also become fashionable, when several people dance on one side of the stage and a little on the other, but the tasks of overpower are preserved.

Mass dance.

There are no restrictions here, either in the number of participants or in their age. In the mass dance can participate as two people - one against the other, and triples and fours of the participants dancing against each other. The main task in the mass dance is to dance better than a participant standing nearby. The performer has the right to dance with any member of the dance, gradually moving from one to another.

Group dance.

In group dance, the composition is limited to a separate group of performers, both large and small. Such dances have a certain construction. Group dances are very rich in drawings and figures, as well as in their content and plot.

The quadrille is another kind of Russian folk dance.

The quadrille distinguishes from traditional dances a kind of construction and a clear division into pairs and figures. The quadrille takes its roots from the French salon dance. The Russian quadrille included many figures and drawings from Russian round dance and dances. Only an even number of pairs participate in the quadrille, but their number is not limited.

Chastooshkas are often performed in the quadrille, either by all performers at the same time, or by turns, passing the baton from one to another. In the quadrille, each figure is separated from one another, as a rule, by musical pauses, padlocks, claps, or bows.

Watch the video: Russian folk dance 3 (February 2025).

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